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Readily confess and repent

Guiding Principle #6

Readily confess your sin, repent and ask forgiveness.

We should always readily (willingly, eagerly, voluntarily) confess our faults and sins, and repent of any sin committed, as well all attitudes or thoughts that displease God.  As witnesses of Jesus Christ, we don’t want to misrepresent His character by displaying ugly attitudes and behavior, even though it may not be a sinful act.

One reason this principle is important is because even after salvation, there is always the possibility that we may sin (1 John 2:1).  The possibility is there because our sinful nature is always vying to control, and occasionally, we do or say something we shouldn’t. Therefore, we should confess and repent.  “But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness” (1 John 1:9). This simply means acknowledge or admit what we did and “turn” away from that…being sorry that we did it and commit to not doing it again and again.  Your confession and repentance are prayers because you’re talking to the Father, and asking for forgiveness. You should never be presumptuous about sin, and take God’s grace for granted. If you do, then you risk being an habitual sinner.

The second reason this principle must be applied is because unrepentant sin separates a person from God, according to Isaiah 59:1-2.  If you sin and don’t repent and ask for forgiveness, God will not hear and answer your prayers. You become disconnected from Him; although you may be still praying, your prayers are ineffective.

Your consistent and constant prayer life is how you remain connected to God, and through the power of the Holy Spirit, sin will not dominate your life (Romans 6th chapter.)

I repeat:  Be readily (willingly, eagerly, voluntarily) to confess our faults and sins, and repent of any sin committed, as well all attitudes or thoughts that displease God.  As witnesses of Jesus Christ, we don’t want to misrepresent His character by displaying ugly attitudes and behavior, even though it may not be a sinful act.


  • In Jesus’ model prayer asking for forgiveness should always be a part of our conversation with our heavenly Father (Luke 11:4, Matthew 6:12).
  • When Jesus began His earthly ministry His message was repentance…”Repent of your sins and turn to God…” (Matthew 4:17).  The
  • message of repentance is still relevant today for everyone.

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